2012 Turkey Day Competition
The 2012 Turkey Day Competition was perhaps the greatest competition yet on diystompboxes.com, both in terms of prizes and the submitted entries.This is from a post by pinkjimiphoton which linked to all submitted entries.
Blue Warbler Envelope Vibrato by Midwayfair (Jon)
Juicy Pulptortion by Tuckster (Jurgen)
Frankenstein Pulse Wah by Haveyouseenhim (Mike)
BLÜE MONSTERVallhagan (Bengt)
Folie à Deux by Garcho (Gary)
Shiny Wobbly by Ronan (Ian)
Super Vixen by Slacker (Ian M.)
Little Big Angel by Perrow (Pelle)
Echo Base Mini by Pakrat 1 (Frank)
Multi effect with three fuzzes by Beo (Travis)
Demon Mojo Power Fuzz by LucifersTrip (Dave)
Full Face Fuzz by GGBB (Gord)
Mutron V by Mustachio (Jim)
The Pulsinator by JDansti (John)
Double Up by Samhay (Sam)
Cut Throat by Defaced (Mike M.)
ST-9E Super Tube Screamer Executive Edition by Pakrat (Frank)