
DIYLC Tutorial

DIYLC is an open source program for designing your own layouts.

Scaling the exported image

The images exported by DIYLC are 300 dpi, it just doesn't set the correct dpi information in the file. Using paint.net you can easily adjust the dpi without modifying the image. Open the image in paint.net and select 'Image'->'Canvas Size'. Edit the dpi setting from 96 to 300 and click OK. You should be able to do the same thing in many other image editing programs.

The saved image can now be printed in Word and many other programs to the correct size.

Remove traces without length

It is possible to draw a trace that starts and ends in the same point, the problem with these being that you can't select them and thus can't remove them. This becomes a real annoyance when you discover them to late to be able to undo yourself out of the problem. But there is a way to get rid of them.

First drag with your mouse to select everything in your project. Selecting by mouse won't include the pesky no length traces. Press Ctrl+C to copy the selection, or do it by menu. Next, select everything by pressing Ctrl+A or the 'Select All' menu item. This way of selecting everything does include the offending traces and you can therefore now delete your selection. After this you simply paste your project back with Ctrl+C, or again via the menu.